We want to express our gratitude to the people who do the very important work of addressing how our food systems impact our health, communities, lands and waterways. This is long-term, complex, and often under-appreciated work. Starting with Equity from the Outset...
What can we learn from an octopus about collaboration? John Buck presents valuable new insights for teams wanting to share leadership and get more done, in his new TedX talk at the University of Maryland. John has been helping organizations all over the world to...
Currently in our culture, a lot of people are talking about equity but not many people are talking about power. When we look at what’s going on in the #metoo and #timesup movement there’s a real danger that the problem begins to be perceived as isolated to a...
NEW! Consent-based Leadership This introduction is now included in the Collaborative Decision-making Package! .A circle empowers leadership by consent with Circle Forward. Selecting people to roles by consent gives a clear message to each person: “You are a leader. We...
Today we launch Circle Forward Partners! No more Social Profit Strategies! We loved that name, but our goal with Circle Forward Partners is to make our offerings better seen and understood by the people who need them. The mission of Circle Forward Partners is...
This is the second article in our series on Circle Forward’s Eight Primary Principles of Collaborative Governance. The first article on Trust is here. When the elephant comes out of the corner and sits right on the table A couple of years ago, Tracy and I were...