Tom Atlee, Founder, Co-Intelligence Institute recently sent me some emails on the topic of consent and consensus. I enjoyed his perspective so much, I asked him if I could post what he wrote. He agreed, and here it is: Tom Atlee: I have only recently gotten a good...
Why not majority rule? Why not consensus? People often think there are only two choices for how we make governance decisions: majority voting or consensus. Most people don’t realize that circles of decision-makers (“circles”) have a third option –...
Our organizations and networks are systems. If we want to thrive, we need conditions that meet the range of tolerance of all parts of the system. We need governance and decision-making that integrates diversity and fosters equity. Why? People who work together...
Do you think Consent and Consensus sound like the same thing, and/or do you doubt whether a system can deliver both inclusion and efficiency? While some people are deeply committed to consensus, other people cringe just hearing the word. Those who feel committed to...